Sarah Padfield

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Sarah Padfield

Sarah Padfield is an award winning health care leader.  With over 15 years experience leading health care organizations and public sector service, Sarah brings the depth of her experience to the Lean Fox team.  As a Senior Consulting Partner Sarah is a dynamic, thoughtful lecturer, teacher, innovator, consultant and coach.  Sarah’s goal is to help leaders at all levels of organizations reach their full performance potential and help companies and corporations ensure success.

Sarah is a Senior Consulting Partner with Behavioural Sciences Systems (BSS), an international consulting and leadership organization.  The mission of Behavioural Sciences System is to to provide accurate behavioural information that enables individuals and organizations to make data-based decisions for performance improvement.  Sarah is excited to bring the BSS assessment tools, philosophies and products into the Lean Fox offering.

An accomplished speaker, lecturer and presenter, Sarah is also currently a Health Leader In Residence at the World Health Innovation Network – Odette School of Business, University of Windsor.  Sarah is a graduate of Carleton University B.A